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About Kristine and Sara

The Care Factor Presenters

Before this podcast, Kristine and Sara did not know each other.  But, they did know OF each other.  Over the course of recording this podcast, these two women from two very different backgrounds, formed a great relationship based on friendship and shared experiences.  

Kristine Rawlinson - Podcast Creator and Carer 

Kristine worked in the government and not for profit sector in the disability sector for most of her professional career.  She has qualifications in Speech Pathology, Special Education and a Master of Business Administration.  Kristine is also an Authorised Marriage and Funeral Celebrant.


Since late 2017, Kristine's focus has been on the full-time care of her husband who became seriously ill and permanently disabled.


Kristine and her husband live with their two children in the Macedon Ranges of Victoria.


Kristine is available to share her story and insights at your next event.  For more information, you can contact Kristine.


Sara James - Broadcast Journalist and Author

Sara has covered significant news events in Australasia for NBC, CNN and PBS.

In Australia, Sara James’ featured segment An American in Oz airs fortnightly on ABC News Breakfast.  She covers a mix of politics, business, culture, and social issues.  

Sara was born and raised in the United States and graduated with distinction from the University of Virginia. She lives in the Macedon Ranges near Melbourne with her Australian husband, Andrew Butcher; daughters Sophie and Jacqueline; golden retriever Nanci Drew; and a hen house full of chooks.  

For more details about Sara's projects, go to her website here

Riveting and incredibly insightful

Kristine opens a door to let us into a world that most of us would never be able to hear about, or truly understand. The conversation is beautifully led by Sara James and supported by engaging interviews from those who played leading roles in Neal and Kristine's story.

Connor Jonathon

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